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OEG Offshore continues to provide the energy industry with cargo carrying units and A60 rental cabins to support your global operations during this crisis.

Our Head Office in Aberdeen, Scotland and the global base network remains operational during the pandemic, with our office based workforce supporting your CCU requirements remotely, together with our workshop teams providing continuity of CCU supply on the ground, whilst adhering to social distancing measures.

OEG Offshore has implemented a Strategic Response Plan and COVID-19 Management Plan to combat the current global COVID-19 pandemic. The plans follow local government and legislative requirements, all with robust control measures to ensure the safety and well-being of each OEG employee and the wider community.

The COVID-19 Management Plan applies to all staff at OEG Offshore, third parties who act on our behalf, including but not limited to our suppliers, agents etc. (the list is not exhaustive and will vary per site) — no matter whether for business or personal reasons. The Management Plan provides guidance for each site on the minimum controls that must be put in place to manage the current global COVID-19 pandemic and to protect the Health & Safety of our colleagues which remains our priority during these difficult times.

Base Hygiene Practices

Some of the measures that have been adopted at a local operational level are:

  • Provision of alcohol-based hand sanitiser, tissues/paper towels and cleaning supplies, such as anti-bacterial cleaning wipes, computer wipes/spray etc.
  • Promotion of good hygiene practices e.g. the display of hand hygiene posters on safety notice boards.
  • Ensure that appropriate posters regarding how to social distance and the symptoms of COVID-19 are displayed on notice boards.
  • Ensure handwashing facilities are kept clean and properly stocked with tissue paper, hand wash etc.
  • Enforce regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as door handles and workstations to help prevent contamination.
  • Hot desking is not permitted at the moment.
  • All employees should clean down workstations at least every day (or as frequently as desired) with anti-bacterial wipes and other high-touch surfaces
  • Each site will be adapted to provide additional controls prior to all employees returning to work, such as markings on the floor to denote 2-metre distancing, additional signage across the site, staggered breaks, protective screens and PPE, (the list is not exhaustive as will vary per each site).

MHSWR - The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations places a duty of care on employers (OEG) to assess and manage risks to their employees and others, to prevent work accidents and work-related illness. The regulations also require a general assessment to be made of all risks to health arising from work. The key objective is to establish an effective system of ‘preventive and protective measures’ to safeguard employees.

If you would like further information regarding how OEG in your area is protecting worker Health and Safety please contact your local OEG Offshore team.