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A recently-secured contract to undertake the extensive refurbishment of a specialist mud-logging cabin was the first awarded to Vertec Engineering (Vertec) by leading mud-logging services company Geoservices.

The contract saw Vertec carry out the replacement of the cabin's fire and gas control panel and air conditioning system as well as the installation of a UPS system. The company also carried out remedial work as part of the contract, including repainting the exterior of the unit.

Vertec Sales Manager, Gavin Duncan, says the company was delighted to be working with GeoServices for the first time.


He said: “GeoServices is the world leader in mud logging services so we are thrilled it chose Vertec to undertake this specialist refurbishment work. We look forward to what we are sure will be a great working relationship between ourselves and GeoServices and I hope this project is just the first of many between the two companies.”